André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

What people say about Andre Moore, LMFT on Google about the therapeutic alliance he builds with individuals and couples in psychotherapy:

 Scarlett Jones

5 Star

If I could give Andre 10 Google stars, I would. My boyfriend and I have been seeing him for almost two years and he is absolutely amazing! He’s been very honest, understanding, empathic and compassionate. He always creates a very safe and trusting place in which there’s room for us to disagree and at the same time show what we’re really feeling.

Sara Howell

5 Star

Andre must be one of the most emotionally intelligent people I have ever met. He changed my view of therapy. Now I can more easily show my husband and the other people in my life what I’m really feeling. Before seeing Andre, I would always hide my deeper feelings. Now it is much easier for me to be myself and show who I really am.

Steven Trojanowski

5 Star

Andre is wonderful. My wife and I saw him after a terrible fight over a very charged issue about how my work kept us from spending time together. After a few months, I got more in touch with how deprived she felt and she realized how my drive to succeed covers my never feeling good enough inside. It was a milestone for me when I was able to tell her I felt more deprived than her and I needed her to reassure me. Now It’s becoming easier for me to get free of my obsessions about work.

Joel Burton

5 Star

Andre has a talent to see through my everyday guises. He has a direct approach laced with humor, anecdotes and metaphors that always stir up my feelings. He’s clever and tender when he tries to get to me by pushing buttons. His skill is palpable and I always feel safe with him because I know his heart is in the right place.

Dana Volkes

5 Star

Andre’s counseling techniques along with his warm and fun personality help me feel safe and comfortable during our sessions. My husband and I have been seeing him weekly for more than six months and we’re grateful for his skilled guidance. We’re now able to have good fights in which we don’t necessarily agree but always come out of them with a deeper understanding about what the other one is going through emotionally.

Justin Veron

5 Star

I’ve been in therapy with André for the past 3 years and listing all the ways I’ve benefited could never do justice to how much happier I’m feeling inside. I’ve grown emotionally and become a better person, especially with my girlfriend. I’m now able to express to her what I’m really feeling which I’ve never been able to do with anyone in my entire life!

Joanna Dezio

5 Star

I have never known a psychotherapist who is secure enough to show what he’s really feeling to his clients. Andre’s ability to do this has made it easier for me to show the deeper parts of myself that I’ve hidden my entire life. Andre has modeled this behavior for me and now I’m doing the same thing with my boyfriend!

Errol Ismail

5 Star

I’ve worked with Andre for years. When I first went to him, I was in my mid-twenties and struggling with anxiety over my high stress job, my personal life and the demands of my family. Over the years we’ve worked together, Andre has helped me to be less afraid to show people – especially at work – what I’m feeling and the support I need to work better. In my personal life, it’s getting easier for me to show my girlfriend who I really am and what I need. I’m slowly beginning to realize I can have a life apart from my job.

Joseph Horton

5 Star

I highly recommend Andre! His down-to-earth style is what I enjoy most about him. My wife and I wouldn’t be where we are today without Andre teaching us how to have good arguments in which we don’t necessarily agree but can walk in each other’s shoes and feel what the other one is going through. Andre has taught us that this has nothing to do with agreement! I’d give Andre 10 Google stars if I could.

Carson Link

5 Star

Andre has been a tremendous help to me and my boyfriend. We first met at the Stonewall Inn in the West Village and we’ve been seeing each other for almost a year. Because of Andre we’re now able  to have disagreements while still being curious about what the other one is going through even when we’re driving each other up the wall. If I can imagine what it’s like to walk in my boyfriend’s shoes without necessarily agreeing with him and he can do the same for me, this is hard to do but makes both of us more hopeful about building a life together.

Luciana Lopez

5 Star

Andre was really great at helping us improve our communication and getting to the heart of our arguments so that we could understand each other better. He kept reminding us that it’s not about agreement and always about seeing and feeling what the other one is going through. Andre has been tremendously helpful!

Tiffany Yao

5 Star

My boyfriend was born and raised in the mid-west and I grew up in Taiwan and went to college at NYU. It’s been hard for me to understand my boyfriend’s American cultural values and just as hard for him to appreciate my Chinese culture. Andre has helped us to be more compassionately curious about each other and learning about the other’s point of view. Becasuse of this, we’ve been able to deepen our emotional connection. We’re looking forward to having kids who benefit from being exposed to a rich mixture of American and Chinese culture.

Katie Cline  

5 Star

My boyfriend and I have been seeing Andre for almost two years and he’s always been very honest, understanding and compassionate. Andre always creates a safe and trusting place for us in which we can show each other who we really are deep down. It’s always been hard for me to share what I’m feeling with anyone – what I learned from my family when I was a little girl – but now I’m sharing more of my feelings. For example, when the tears come Andre asks me: If the tears had words, what would they be saying to you? The conversations my boyfriend and I now have with Andre are becoming much easier. it’s as if we’re talking to and old, trusted. What I appreciate most about Andre is that he really makes an effort to relate to us by sharing some of his own experiences and what he’s learned from them. He’s never afraid to show hs his vulnerability which makes it easier for us to do the same. I highly recommend him!

Christopher Scott

5 Star

I’ve known Andre since he trained in the Couples Therapy Program at The Training Institute for Mental Health in New York City. When it comes to reading what people are feeling non-verbally, deep inside, Andre gets one of the highest empathy scores of anyone I’ve ever met.

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  • NAP Details:

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
    160 Bleecker Street, 9C East, New York, NY 10012
    (212) 673 4618
