André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Traveling on the journey of life together with someone can be a great comfort, but what happens when career situations or frequent travel splits you apart? Being away from your partner is never easy. Whether it’s the lack of physical intimacy that you desire or simply the comfort of knowing that person is nearby, being in a long-distance relationship takes commitment and no shortage of communication.

 Of course, sometimes the most challenging situations are the most rewarding and a long-distance relationship can be fulfilling in many ways. Today, let’s explore how you can keep your relationship healthy, even when you’re not there with your partner.

Building A Relationship from Afar

Technology today has made building your long-term relationship simpler than ever before. Aside from the obvious advantages afforded by your cell phone, there are many methods that you can not only communicate with your partner around the world, but even connect with them via video chat. While it’s no substitute for that physical intimacy you might be more accustomed to, the first thing you need in a long-distance relationship is commitment.

Making a verbal commitment to your partner and creating a game plan for your time away is key. Whether it’s just frequent travel that keeps you apart or a new job that has you somewhere else for an extended period of time, part of that commitment needs to be time.

Putting Aside Time for Your Relationship

One of the biggest challenges involved with a long-distance relationship is the space between you. Without being physically with your partner, it can be all too easy to neglect spending time with them. After all, you’re not able to do anything or go anywhere with them, are you? That’s not always the case.

 With technology today, one of the best options you have is to setup a daily video call with your partner. Have set times throughout the day that you take the time for a phone or video call. Make sure to communicate your plans and if it is necessary to break a scheduled connection, let your partner know ahead of time. Want to make things interesting? Have a virtual dinner together where you both sit down and talk about your day over food. Creativity can go a long way to keep you connected.

Learning to Maximize Your Time Together

But, what if your partner is in the military or another job where you can’t communicate regularly? In these cases, often the best advice is to leverage the time you do have together. Being separated for extended periods of time can be rough, especially when you don’t know how your partner is doing.

When you are together, don’t just have an average day -do something exciting. Go somewhere you normally wouldn’t go, plan a trip, or find some other opportunity to create a memorable experience. While apart, these memories can be a powerful part of your relationship.

Managing Your Long Distance Relationships

Whether it’s a spouse who’s away for an extended period of time or frequent business travel that keeps you apart, dealing with the absence of your partner can be tough. Remember, even though they may not be there with you, you’re never left alone. And, if your relationship feels strained, there’s help out there.

Are you experiencing trouble in paradise? We at Marriage Couples Counseling In New York City can help get your relationship back on the right track. Give us a call at 212-673-4618.

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  • NAP Details:

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
    160 Bleecker Street, 9C East, New York, NY 10012
    (212) 673 4618
