A recent survey finding reported in The San Francisco Weekly and subsequently cited in The San Francisco Huff Post revealed that 10 % of San Francisco women admitted to still being virgins and that, on average, they lose their virginity at 19 years of age compared to the national average of 18. Could this be […]
Author Archives: superadmin
Which is Worse for Women Today: Being a Slut or a Virgin, and Why Should We Care?
Who Are the Ladies in HBO’s Girls?
The trailer introducing each episode of the first season of Girls begins with Hannah asking the question “Who are the ladies?”followed by provocative hints of how they currently live:
Emotionally Focused Therapy Helps Find the Raw Spots when you Unintentionally Hurt your Lover
All of us have a raw spot in our emotional skin a hypersensitivity that is tender to the touch. When it gets scratched or rubbed, it can bleed all over our relationship.
Navigating Differences for Couples
Here is a wonderful Youtube video that we found by Lois Braverman of the Ackerman Institute for the Family on navigating differences for couples.
Genes Don’t Control Us, We Control Them!
In a recent teleseminar sponsored by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, Bruce Lipton, PhD and Ruth Buczynski, PhD shared the following insights gained from current research in neuroscience: