Getting married is an exciting time in almost every couple’s lives. With so much to do, however, it can seem overwhelming. For many, the idea of pre-marital couples counseling may seem like another burden – one which is not needed. After all, they’re in love – they think they’re not going to break up! Counseling, […]
Why You Should Never Seek a Perfect Partner
In fairy tales, there is always true love. An undying, beautiful and always perfect love. Unfortunately, we live in the real world. Here, relationships have their ups and down. Sometimes our partners annoy us to no end with their disgusting, frustrating, or even downright bizarre behaviors. Is that such a bad thing, though? Here’s why […]
What Is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?
What Is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?
5 Keys to a Successful Marriage
Marriage is the culmination of a deep, loving relationship. It’s the signifier that your love has bonded you and your partner into one. However, issues can arise that have the possibility of tearing your world apart. Here are five keys to a successful marriage.
Common Relationship Issues a Couples Counselor Can Help With
Relationships take a lot of work. Unfortunately, sometimes we lose sight of this fact and our relationships can suffer greatly. If your relationship is traveling through some rough seas, don’t worry. There are professionals who are experts in resolving relationship problems. Here are some common relationship issues a couple’s counselor can help with.