It’s the oozing globs of sweat under my armpits as I stuff my sentences with jargon and a scrambled, panicked outpouring of words, hoping to impress the people judging me. All of it fueled by my aching, natural need to belong.
A Moving Example of Vulnerability
It takes great courage to express it. Most women are better at it than men.
Aggression Only From Humans
Only humans, no other animal species, can claim the following specialties concerning aggression: 1. We can abstract it and direct it toward adversaries a continent away. 2. Confuse it with sexual behavior. 3. Patent weapons for use against our enemies instead of using brute force like other animals. 4. Organize complete strangers into platoons, battalions […]
How to Control Your Emotions in a Long-Term Relationship
Jay-Z meets Mark Twain, James Baldwin and Scott Gallaway
Thank you, thank you, thank you, you’re far too kindUh, whoo, yeah! Ready?Whoo, whoo, whoo! (Let’s go)