Our marriage and couples counselors and relationship therapists at Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching have found six key questions from the Integrative Psychiatry Institute that can help couples find greater meaning, purpose and get more in touch with what they really value in their lives.
Category Archives: Counselling
Six Questions to help Couples Discover who they Really Are
A Deeper look at the Five Love languages for Couples
Much has been said and written to date about the Five Love Languages from the Gottman Research Institute but it’s easy to miss what each really means non-verbally and in terms of specific words or actions. Our relationship therapists offer marriage counseling that can help you enrich your couples dialogue and deepen your understanding of […]
How Connected are You to the Rest of the World?
Have you ever asked yourself how connected you really are to your family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or other people you know of but have no direct relationship to like politicians, celebrities, local, national or world leaders?
Recognizing Demon Dialogues
One of the most important ways of developing a more intimate relationship with your lover is by recognizing when what Sue Johnson who pioneered Emotionally Focused Therapy calls Demon Dialogs before they happen.
Where to Get the Best New York Couple Counseling?
There are different reasons why you may need to seek couples counseling in New York. The reasons may not all be bad and can sometimes be a way to prevent issues down the line. However, you cannot just trust any New York couple counselor with your future. You will need to find a counselor that […]