Category Archives: Couples Therapy
Charles Dickens on Christmas
How Hannah learned to go into hiding with her lovers
Hannah was her mother’s first and only child, the perfect creation Mary had always dreamed of, her major life achievement. Mary couldn’t get enough of her new baby. The feedings in the first weeks enthralled her. Hannah’s mouth around the aureole of her swollen breast, her lips ardently sucking as her tiny tongue circled […]
When Hannah Met Ellie (If you touch me here, right here, and try to fill this big hole in my chest I think I’ll die.)
Hannah Hannah arrived at the Victoria’s Secret store on West Broadway with an uneasy feeling she didn’t understand but pushed it away as she always did when she felt this way. She knew what she wanted to buy, or at least what Don had told her to buy. Earlier that morning he wanted sex when […]
What should you look for when you’ve finally reached the point that you think you need a couples therapist?
So you’ve finally reached the breaking point after endless arguments that lead nowhere. But you still want to save your relationship. What do you do now?