Fresh from her afternoon nap,
Category Archives: Couples Therapy
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She startles me in the fitting room with Levi’s shirts.
How Two Lovers Overcame Infidelity by Daring to Show Each Other Who They Really Are.
The first time I met Don and Sarah, they were on the verge of a painful divorce that neither of them really wanted. He’d just learned from one of their closest friends that she’d been having an affair, for almost a year. “How could you do this to me?” he cried out to her. “You […]
What Sheryl Sandberg Misses About Impostor Syndrome: There are Two Versions, One for Women, the Other Reserved Exclusively for Men
The most controversial, and troubling, aspect of Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, is her advocacy of Lean In Circles and the way she pitches them to prospective members. Like empowerment groups, Lean In Circles are promoted as forums in which women are urged to share their personal stories […]