André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

Free 15 Minute Telephone Consultation | Call: 212 673 4618

Category Archives: Couples Therapy

Ten Types of Hookups

Elite Daily recently provided a breakdown of 10 types of hookups.  Which one best describes your way of engaging in a new relationship?

Also posted in Connection, Couples Counseling, Exploration, Friendship, Healthy Relationships, Life Style, relationship challenges, Sex, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Romeo and Juliet as another new millennial couple: If he’d loved her, they would have got away.

Also posted in Abusive Relationships, Couples Counseling, Growth, Healthy Relationships, Marital Problems, relationship challenges, Sex, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Understanding Your Lover’s Biological Temperament Can Soften Misunderstandings and Conflicts

Also posted in Connection, Couples Counseling, Exploration, Growth, Healthy Relationships, Life Style, Marital Problems, Marriage Counseling, Marriage Counselors, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Why the Sex is so Good in “Blue is the Warmest Color”

The longest sex scene in Blue is the Warmest Color, a deliciously erotic, explicitly graphic display of the intense emotional and physical hunger that two beautiful women, Adele and Emma, have for each other, lasts a full seven minutes.The kind of sex being dramatized in this scene is a consequence of the deep emotional connection […]

Also posted in Abusive Relationships, Connection, Couples Counseling, Healthy Relationships, Love, Marriage Counseling, relationship challenges, Relationship Problem Advice, Sex, Uncategorized | Comments closed

Two Vital Things You Need to Get in Your First Meeting with a Couples Therapist

DISCOVER THE HURT BENEATH THE PUNCH It’s absolutely critical that the couples therapist helps you to re-frame your arguments. Every couple fights differently and most of the time what they’re fighting about isn’t the real argument. Some deeper hurt or frustration usually gets triggered by the way they express themselves if something is bothering them. […]

Also posted in Abusive Relationships, Connection, Couples Counseling, Growth, Healthy Relationships, Infidelity, Marital Problems, Marriage Counseling, Marriage Counselors, relationship challenges, Relationship Problem Advice, Sex, Uncategorized | Comments closed