In almost all research on the efficacy of Ketamine and psychedelics like MDMA Ecstasy, Psilocybin Mushrooms and Ayahuasca plant medicine, almost no attention has been given to the Therapeutic Alliance psychotherapists must create with their clients in psychotherapy sessions, either in the test groups that get the medicine or the placebo groups that don’t.
Category Archives: Exploration
Neglect of the Therapeutic Alliance in Measuring the Efficacy of Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapies
What are Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy all About?
Recognizing Demon Dialogues
One of the most important ways of developing a more intimate relationship with your lover is by recognizing when what Sue Johnson who pioneered Emotionally Focused Therapy calls Demon Dialogs before they happen.
Is Pope Francis a heretic in disguise?
How empathic do you think you are?
These images from the Cleveland Clinic are a good test of your capacity for empathy Which image moves you the most?