Here’s what a Solution Focused Therapist does to make it work: • Helps you discover solution building rather than problem definition language when discussing your conflicts.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Brief Solution Focused Therapy for Couples
Collaborative Divorce that Works
When the romance is over but platonic caring and concern for each others happiness and well being are still very strong, Marriage Couples and Relationship Counseling collaborative divorce coaching can help by reducing conflict and managing emotional reactions that interfere with good decisions that enhance the well being of your family, especially where kids are […]
Why we should watch what we say!
In a fascinating paper referenced below, Wendy Drewery introduces and develops the idea that conversation is a powerful means of performing relational identity – what she describes as “different ways of doing relationship and different ways of performing identity” – and suggests that “narrative therapy offers an approach to everyday as well as therapeutic conversation […]
How Dialogic Analysis can be used as an eductional tool in Narrative Therapy for Couples
A Re-Write of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” that addresses serious ethical issues with an ending in which the ward patients are encouraged to heal and grow.
This post identifies a number of serious ethical issues in the treatment of patients in the psychiatric ward in the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and proposes a re-write of the story climax in which the ward patients, including McMurphy, are encouraged to engage in narrative group therapy.