André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

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Signs You May Have an Anger Problem

One of the most frequently cited reasons for the breakup of marriages and relationships is an anger management problem. Anger can be expressed in a variety of ways and isn’t just isolated to violence and swearing. If you feel that you or your partner have anger issues, speaking to a licensed relationship counselor or a therapist may be the first step on the road to escaping this vicious cycle and getting back to normal. Here are some of the signs that you may have an anger problem.

Signs of an Anger Problem

Some of the tell-tale signs of an anger management problem include:

  • Becoming angry or violent after consuming alcohol.
  • Substance abuse, addiction, or problems with alcohol.
  • Ignoring loved ones and refusing to communicate with them when mad.
  • Difficulty expressing their emotions in a calm, healthy manner.
  • Frequent bouts of negative behavior which affect the relationship.
  • Inability to compromise without getting angry.
  • Frequent outward outbursts of aggression, including shouting, threatening, or physical violence.
  • Frequent inward aggressions, including self-harm and isolation.

Types of Anger

Anger problems can be divided into two distinct forms of anger:

Passive Anger

With passive anger, the person displaying the anger management issue may not even realize their problem. Passive anger often displays as a deeply passive aggressive anger, which may manifest itself as apathy, sarcasm, or meanness. Passive anger usually can be observed through self-defeating behaviors by an individual, which appear as self-sabotage to others, but not the person with the anger issues.  These acts include intentionally performing poorly at work, alienating loved ones with coldness or negative comments, or other similar acts.

Aggressive Anger

Aggressive anger, on the other hand, is a form of anger where the person with the rage issue is aware they have anger problems.  Despite this awareness of the problem, however, these individuals may not truly understand the root of their anger issues, instead redirecting their inability to deal with everyday problems with angry, sometimes violent outbursts. In many cases, aggressive anger manifests as retaliatory, volatile and often physical anger.

How to Deal with an Anger Problem

While many anger problems appear similar, the treatment for anger issues differs from person to person. This is because, in order to successfully treat anger problems, the underlying issues need to be identified and addressed.

In many cases, a licensed therapist or counselor can help the person with their underlying mental health issues by offering them emotional support and redirecting them to the appropriate health professionals. Alcohol and other drug addiction problems may also need to be addressed to ensure that these crutches are removed, so true healing can begin.

Contact Marriage Couples Counselling in New York City Today

If you or a loved one believe you might have an anger problem, speaking with a licensed counselor is a great way to begin to address your issues. At Marriage Couples’ Counseling in NYC, we’re here to help you deal with the underlying issues of anger. Not only that, we can help address the complications which the anger has had on your relationship. By opening up the lines of communication, your relationship can be nourished, and free to flourish again! Call us today at 212-673-4618, because while life might be perfect, your love can be just right.

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  • NAP Details:

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
    160 Bleecker Street, 9C East, New York, NY 10012
    (212) 673 4618
