André Anthony Moore, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York State License: 001435)

Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Therapist certified by The Integrative Psychiatry Institute

Practitioner of Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Use Nonverbal Sensorimotor Techniques to deepen Emotionally Focused Therapy

The Most Imporant Thing You Need if You’re Seeking Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

The most restorative, lifegiving way to use Ketamine – overlooked by the vast majority of strictly medical providers that:

Employ unlicensed coaches or Nurse Practioners who, after a brief introduction, leave you completely alone while you’re on the medicine (either with an IV in your arm or after they’ve given you an intramuscular injection).

Spend very little time with you both before and after you’ve taken the medicine.

Medical providers who’ve been trained in a bureaucratic culture that focuses exclusively on the medical and is largely ignorant of the potency and healing power of Ordinary Human Compassion, Compassion of Curiosity and Compassion of Recognition.

What the vast majority of well intentioned medical providers miss is that it’s absolutely crucial to have a deep, trusting therapeutic alliance with a trained, licensed psychotherapist who has learned about you before you’ve taken the medicine, is there with you the entire time you’re on the medicine, and knows how to help you make sense of your deepest, most confusing, often terrifying feelings in the days and weeks after you’ve taken the medicine.

Here are the most important things for you to consider before committing to Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy:

  1. Screening and Assessment: A thorough, sensitive evaluation is necessary to determine if Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is right for you. This includes learning about your current life circumstances and the state of your mental health. For example, do you struggle with on-going Anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) or TRD (Treatment Resistant Depression)? Have you suffered past or very early childhood trauma or complex PTSD?
  2. Integration Support: Effective Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy includes not just the ketamine sessions themselves but the integration of your emotional experiences while you were on the medicine. This means processing and making sense of your deepest, often confusing, sometimes terrifying feelings with a trusted, psychotherapist who is respectful, empathic, compassionately curious and always motivated to get who you really are.
  3. Safety and Monitoring: The setting should be safe. If you decide to use Andre Moore, LMFT to take Ketamine in his home office – either sub-lingually with a small tablet absorbed under your tongue or with a nasal spray – he will be there beside you the entire time you’re on the medicine – usually between one to two hours – and make sure you’re feeling calm and stable before you leave his office for the noise and bustle of Manhattan.
  4. Personalized Treatment Plan: Your treatment plan will be the result of a close consultation between you and Andre Moore who will help you address your unique needs and goals and determine your dosage preferences and desired frequency of your ketamine sessions.
  5. Informed Consent: Andre will fully inform you of the potential risks and benefits of Ketamine Assisted Therapy and provide you with an informed consent document before referring you to his trusted medical provider who will give you a complete medical examination and presecribe your optimal dosage.
  6. Support System: Ideally, if you’re on Ketamine, having supportive friends or family is highly desirable. If not, your theraputic alliance with Andre Moore, LMFT who has taken time to really know you is crucial. Andre will enhance the benefits of the medicine for you with his respect, empathy and compassionate curiority. This kind of emotional support is absolutely crucial when taking Ketamine or psychedelics like MDMA Ecstasy, Psilocybin Mushrooms or Auyhuscha plant medcine.

Andre Moore, LMFT, is a Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapist certified by the Integrative Psychiatry Institute and is well placed to provide the emotional support you’ll need to make sense of your Ketamine journey which can take you to the hidden parts of yourself that have eluded you, your acquaintances, friends, even your lovers in every day life. 

The only way you or any of us can truly know ourselves is while we’re being seen by a trusted, empathic person, a dear friend or loved one if we’re lucky. If you don’t have such a person in your life, an experienced, respectful, compassionate therapist like Andre Moore, LMFT can help you find yourself.

Andre’s job, in the words of Leonard Cohen, is to help you discover the beauty lost to you yourself.

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  • NAP Details:

    Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching
    160 Bleecker Street, 9C East, New York, NY 10012
    (212) 673 4618
